Slewing rings (base bearings) are used for various applications in many industrial sectors when the rotation of a structural part, with respect to another,is required according to a unique axis, ensuring the bond between the parts. This sector includes the Slewing rings with two rows of balls, with crossed rollers, but also the with one and two turns of balls, non-toothed and toothed, slewing rings with one, two, three turns of rollers, with internal, external and or without teeth, etc. Distitec produces base bearings in various executions that meet almost all market demands. The sectors we currently supply goes from mining to offshore technology, from the steel industry to the more traditional sectors of industrial handling and lifting of materials and the mechanical industry in general. These products are manufactured according to the general rules relating to rolling bearings, using materials and treatments suitable for good operation which at the same time guarantee the required duration. The photos show some examples of use of these products.