CUSCINETTI SPECIALI per l’industria siderurgica

SPECIAL BEARINGS for steel and iron industry

English (UK)
English (UK)

Bearings for coils conveyors

The full complement cylindrical rollers produced by Distitec are mainly used as support for coils conveyor belts. These wheels are made with different profiles of the outer ring. Since the crowns of the rollers are fully filled, these wheels guarantee greater load capacity and thanks to the large thickness of the outer ring they have a very limited deformation and expansion value. With small precautions they can work even in the presence of high heat sources. The integral edges obtained in the outer ring also ensure a good ability to withstand axial loads.

The Outer ring is mainly made of case-hardening steel 16CrNi4 (UNI 7846) for small dimensions and 18NiCrMo5 (UNI 7846) for large dimensions. These steels can reach, after case-hardening, hardening and tempering, a surface hardness of 60 + 2 HRc. The profile of the outer ring can have three different executions:

1 - Ring with cylindrical outer profile without guide edges

2 - Ring with single guide edge on the outer surface

3 - Ring with double guide edge on the external surface

The Internal ring is made of 100Cr6 (UNI 3097) hardened steel and can reach, after hardening and tempering, a surface hardness of 60 + 2 HRc.

Internal lubrication can be carried out through holes in the internal ring (through a duct to be made on the pin on which the wheel will be keyed).
The internal protection system foresees elastic seals rings (FEY) in harmonic steel for springs and external steel screens subjected to antioxidant burnishing treatment.
On request, special variants can be performed, such as increased clearance (C3 or C4) or stabilization heat treatments, both of which guarantee for use in the presence of high temperatures.

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