To ensure the maximum conformity and quality of the products, under the supervision of our technical department, we carry out daily scrupulous checks and tests on the pieces, prior to delivery to the final customer; the main tools used for this purpose are:
The spectrometer or mass spectrometer, is an analytical instrument that separates ions having the same charge and different mass, or more generally having a mass to different charge ratio. This tool is generally used to understand which elements the material is made of and in what quantities;
DEA, a CMM-type measuring machine (coordinate measuring machine) used for high-precision dimensional and geometric control. It is used in our testing room where temperature and humidity are controlled, in compliance with current legislation, to ensure maximum measurement accuracy;
The altimeter is a measuring instrument that allows you to measure the vertical distance of a body from a reference surface. It also allows you to calculate the height of hollow products without considering the hole;
The durometer is a measuring instrument intended for measuring the hardness of materials in different scales. This instrument is based on a tip of various shape (mainly of the HRC or HRB type) which, pushed against the material to be tested, will penetrate for a certain depth. The latter indicates the hardness of the material;
The roughness tester is the instrument for measuring intrinsic geometric micro-imperfections or resulting from mechanical processing, whose accuracy is guaranteed by the control and signaling system connected with the digital indication and by the carrier frequency measurement amplifier. The roughness measurement is a numerical parameter that is obtained with the recording, and subsequent analysis, of the surface profile obtained along a given measurement line.
Distitec performs dimensional checks on its products where this is required by both the technical specifications and the application on which the products will be used.
Our bearings operate in a variety of harsh conditions deriving from work environments (contaminated by water, debris and dust) or from the mode of use (high load capacity, high temperatures, low or high speed).
It is therefore necessary to take these peculiarities into account and periodically check the protections of the rolling part and strict compliance with the executive quality to allow a division of loads as uniform as possible.